A Beginner Guide for Arduino

Circuit Digest
8 min readApr 22, 2022


Arduino is a revolutionary open-source electronics development platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs — light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message — and turn it into an output — activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

There are a plenty of resources available online to learn and work with Arduino boards. Here we have compiled a list of tutorials in a logical manner so any beginner can learn the concepts of Arduino and can have hands on experience of it. So, let’s get started…

1. Arduino Basics — What is Arduino

Getting Started with Arduino UNO

Arduino is hardware and software to design, develop, and test electronics products. There is a wide range of Arduino development boards with a variety of features and specifications. Arduino UNO is one of the common development boards, try this to be an expert… Getting started with Arduino UNO

2. Different types of Arduino Board

Different types of Arduino Boards

After learning about Arduino UNO, you are curious to know how many boards are there. It’s really important to know about different types of Arduino boards. You should know exactly which arduino board is perfectly fit for your projects, which Arduino board has the features to make the smart device as you want. Know more about them here — Different types of Arduino Boards

3. Different ways to Power your Arduino

Best way to power Arduino Board

How many ways there are to power your Arduino Boards? It will be helpful to know every possible way to charge Arduino boards. When you need to power your Arduino, you can use an alternative way to bring the energy to Arduino. Best way to Power Arduino Board

4. What is Arduino IDE and Arduino Programming

Arduino IDE and Arduino Programming

In the world of IoT and technology, you need to smart your Arduino boards, you have to program them and Arduino IDE is the software where you connect and program your board. This development IDE feature as code editor compiler, programmer, serial console, and serial plotter. This has a simple and easy to use interface. — Beginners Guide to Arduino IDE

5. Arduino Timer Tutorial

Arduino Timer Tutorial

Now it’s time to know how to use Arduino boards for your systems, and how numerous features it has on them. First, start with Timer. Timer is kind of interrupt. It is like a simple clock that can measure time interval of an event. In Arduino UNO, there are three timers for different functions.

Timer0 — It is an 8-Bit timer and is used in timer functions such as delay(), millis().

Timer1 — It is a 16-Bit timer and is used in the servo library.

Timer2 — It is an 8-Bit Timer and is used in the tone() function.

Complete tutorial: Arduino Timer Tutorial

6. Arduino ADC Tutorial

Arduino ADC Tutorial

After the timer pin, move on to the ADC pin. The Arduino board has six ADC channels, these can be used as inputs for analog voltage. The ADC of Arduino Uno is of 10-bit resolution. It means, it will map input voltages between 0 to 5 volts into integer values between 0 to 1023. This project will help in analog to digital conversion.

Complete tutorial — Arduino ADC Tutorial

7. Arduino SPI Communication

Arduino SPI Communication

Another pin on Arduino — SPI Pin is used for the SPI communication between two Arduino boards. Now, learn to do SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) communication using Arduino SPI pin. SPI is a serial communication protocol. In serial communication, we send one-bit data through a communication channel.

Complete tutorial: Arduino SPI Communication

8. Arduino I2C Communication

Arduino I2C Communication

After learning SPI Communication, we are going to use the I2C pin on Arduino for I2C communication. I2C communication is also serial communication. In the I2C communication, we share information between one master to multiple slaves. This project will teach you, how to use the I2C pin in Arduino.

Complete tutorial: Arduino I2C Communication

9. Interfacing Seven Segment Display with Arduino

Interfacing Seven Segment Display with Arduino

The 7 segment displays are used for displaying numeric values. And the next project is interfacing Arduino with SSD(Seven Segment Display). This basic project will display Arduino count from 0 to 9 on seven segment display.

Complete tutorial: 7 Segment Display with Arduino

10. Arduino Interrupts Tutorial

Arduino Interrupts

An interrupt is an operation that stops the normal execution for doing the high priority operations and resumes the normal execution after all serving high priority operations. For learning Arduino Interrupts, we will do Arduino programming for the interrupts circuit.

Complete tutorial: Arduino Interrupts

11. Arduino Sleep Modes

Arduino Sleep Modes

Sleep Modes allow the user to stop or turn off the unused modules on the board which significantly reduces the power consumption. Arduino UNO, Arduino Nano, and Pro-mini come with ATmega328P and it has a Brown-out Detector (BOD) which monitors the supply voltage at the time of sleep mode.

Complete tutorial: Arduino Sleep Modes

12. Interfacing IR Sensor

Arduino IR Sensor

Again try to interface your Arduino Board with IR Sensor Module. IR Sensor emits infrared lights to sense some aspect of the surroundings and can be employed to detect the motion of an object.

Complete tutorial: Interface IR Sensor with Arduino

13. Interfacing Soil Moisture Sensor

Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor

This interfacing project will knowledge you about how soil moisture sensors work and how you can use them with Arduino boards. This sensor is used to monitoring soil. So try to learn interfacing soil sensors with Arduino.

Complete tutorial: Interface Soil Moisture Sensor with Arduino

14. Interfacing PIR Sensor

Arduino PIR Sensor

Detecting movements is common in most projects. With the help of the PIR Sensor, it becomes easy to detect human or animal movements. So try to learn to interface the PIR sensor with Arduino.

Complete tutorial: Arduino Motion Detector using PIR Sensor

15. Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor

Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensors are great sensors to measure distance and detect objects without any actual contact with the physical world. It is used in several applications for measuring liquid level, checking proximity, and even more popularly in automobiles to assist in self-parking or anti-collision systems.

Complete tutorial: Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino

16. Interfacing MQ2 Gas Sensor

Arduino MQ2 Gas Sensor

MQ-2 Combustible Gas and Smoke Sensor. This sensor can not only detect gas or smoke, but can also detect LPG, Alcohol, Propane, Hydrogen, Methane, and Carbon Monoxide. So, learn how we can use it in projects.

Complete tutorial: Smoke Sensor with Arduino

17. Interfacing 16x2 LCD with Arduino

Arduino 16x2 LCD

16x2 LCDs are very popular among the DIY community. Not only that, but you can also find them in many laboratory and industrial equipment. It can display up to 32 characters at a time. Each character segment is made up of 40 pixels that are arranged in a 5x8 matrix. We can create alphanumeric characters and custom characters by activating the corresponding pixels.

Complete tutorial: Interfacing 16x2 LCD Module with Arduino

18. Interfacing Rain Sensor with Arduino

Arduino Rain Sensor

The raindrop sensor is also known as a rain detector sensor is an easy-to-use device that can detect rainfall. It acts as a switch when raindrops fall on the sensor, other than that with slight tweaks in the code, it can also measure the intensity of the rainfall. This sensor also has a separate indicator led and an onboard potentiometer through which you can adjust the sensitivity of the output digital signal provided by the sensor.

Complete tutorial: Arduino Rain Sensor Tutorial

19. Interfacing Flex Sensor

Arduino Flex Sensor

A flex sensor is a low-cost, easy-to-use variable resistor. It is designed to measure the amount of deflection it experiences when bent. So interfacing the flex sensor with Arduino will create a device that helps in measuring the bend on the surface level.

Complete tutorial: Interfacing Flex Sensor with Arduino

20. Interfacing Hall Effect Sensor

Arduino Hall Effect Sensor

A Hall sensor is a magnetic sensor that generates an electrical signal proportional to the magnetic field applied to it. Hall effect sensors are widely used in industrial applications like current-sensing, position detection, and contactless switching. Hall effect sensors are used in BLDC applications because they are robust, accurate, and low failure rate.

Complete tutorial: Interfacing Hall Effect Sensor Module with Arduino

21. Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor

Arduino LM35 Temperature Sensor

LM35 is a great choice for temperature sensor projects because it has an accuracy of ±¼°C at room temperature and ±¾°C over a full −55°C to 150°C temperature range. So we will try to interface the LM35 temperature sensor with Arduino and also we will see the temperature data in the serial monitor window.

Complete tutorial: Interface LM35 with Arduino

22. Interfacing Water Level Sensor

Arduino Water Level Sensor

A Water Level Sensor is used to measure the level of water and there are a lot of water level monitoring projects done and a lot to do more. So its good to know how to interface water level sensor with Arduino.

Complete tutorial: Arduino Water Sensor

23. Interfacing Sound Sensor

A sound sensor is used to detect sound waves traveling through the air. Not only that, but it can also measure its intensity, and most importantly it can convert it to an electrical signal which we can read through a microcontroller. It will make great sound detection project, So learn how to interface sound sensor with Arduino.

Arduino Sound Sensor

Complete tutorial: Interface Sound Sensor with Arduino



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